The leading adult magazine "XBIZ" publishes a first short report about fancci and the bitcci Equity Token.

15 Apr 2023, 09:01
The leading adult magazine "XBIZ" publishes a first short report about fancci and the bitcci Equity Token. This is the first time that fancci and the bitcci Group AG are mentioned in renowned adult news platforms and the new concept of fancci is thus noticed by international portal operators, models and customers. We have been preparing media campaigns for fancci for quite some time, which will start after the end of the Open Beta phase. XBIZ is the leading source of news from the adult entertainment industry. In addition, XBIZ hosts two annual conferences honoring the industry's most influential members. XBIZ is frequently cited in mainstream media for coverage of the rapidly evolving adult entertainment industry and has been featured in CNN, ABC, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Wired and the LA Times, among others.