Dear bitcci community,. Update:.

23 Jun 2022, 09:25
Dear bitcci community, Update: 1.) The bitcci equity tokens (= tokenized shares of bitcci Group AG) that you received as an additional bonus for your activities as a tipster during the ICO, are registered to your respective email address. As soon as the tokenization of the shares has taken place, we will inform you further. This will take place in Q3/2022. 2.) Of course, as it was announced, we plan to list the bitcci cash token on Top 10 Exchanges. However, we would like to wait for a recovery of the crypto market first before we invest in the sometimes very high listing fees. 3.) We made a zoom call with the marketing department of the Whitebit exchange yesterday. We are planning to start a marketing campaign on Whitebit in July. We will send you more details about this. 4.) We are fully focused on the launch of the bitcci cash payment system and the use cases for the bitcci cash token, such as, bitcci Messenger, the bitcci live webcam platform, and the bitcci cash point-of-sale system for clubs. We expect to present a demo of the payment system in about 4 weeks. 5) A main focus of our development work is the bitcci live webcam platform, which is linked to the online catalog The live webcam market produces hundreds of millions of USD in revenue, has been growing steadily for years, and is stable even in pandemic times. We will focus on this market as soon as the bitcci platform is live with innovative solutions and unique features and plan to gain market share as soon as possible. Please understand that we cannot release any details about the features of the platform. However, we are sure that you will be excited about it. The development and marketing team will be further strengthened in July to achieve even more speed in the platform development. 6) We will present the bitcci roadmap for the next 12 months next week. Thank you for your patience. C. Elbert / CEO to 1.) Legal notice: ------------------- A bitcci Equity Token represents a preferred share of our parent company, bitcci Group AG. bitcci Equity Tokens are currently not available for purchase by retail investors and we are not communicating any offerings, pricing information to the public until we have received approval from financial regulators. This approval process includes the approval of a securities prospectus containing detailed information about the project, the company and potential risks to protect retail investors.